4 may - 6 may 07...a training session at INTIM terengganu..
wow..gotta mafan papa fetch me go there 1 day earlier..damn far..nyais nyaris sesat between kuantan n kuala terengganu.highway not much car..bengkang bengkok..go tru kampung then finally arrive at INTIM!!
after looking around the place..v settle off to find a hotel..after pusing around chukai..survey 3 hotel..finally v plan to settle down at Hotel Murni..$69 per nite..then v went for dinner..juz behind the hotel..sotong / pig leg / vege..only $18..eat till stomach full full..cant move..hoho..very 'dai'..then went back hotel watch astro..prepare for war the very nex day!!
1st day - take key, then went in, wow..quite nice..got attached bathroom, air con, peti sejuk, tv .. when register, terjumpa coursemate..then the war begins.....taklimat bout PTD, case study n preparation for the 2nd day public speaking n pengucapan awam.
2nd day - very 'gan cheong'..gotta public speaking n pengucapan awam..tot dat wanna look at paper..but too nervous..look for few times lo..eve go jog, rainning..at nite do debating - poligami boleh membantu membina institusi kekeluargaan -me as 1 of the pencadang..then finally end PTD session
3rd day - back to KL :) prepare face the reality in work!!
a good experience for me !!!
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